12 Simple yet Powerful Actions for your Perfect Morning Routine

haan, chicken, crows

Morning routines are IMPORTANT.  Vital even.  They are also super particular to your lifestyle and goals, of course.

For example – eating breakfast.  This is more of a diet thing and is highly dependent on that person.  I’ve tried intermittent fasting, exercise before workout, exercise after. then of course it also depends on if you’re cooking for other people, dietary needs, maybe some of you *need* caffeine right away, etc.

But one thing is for sure, we need to fuel ourselves.  most of us in the morning.  so in my deconstructionist fashion, I will list everything I do specifically, then also write down the concept of the routine, so that you can find one perfectly tailored to yourself.  perhaps you will progress and change as you keep up with one of the routines, etc.

Here’s the list:


1. take some deep breaths

2. express gratitude for the day

3. fix the bed


4. stretch

5. dry brush

6. wash face & brush teeth


7. stretch on ball – engage abs

8. hang on hangbar – engage abs

9. sun salutations and silly dance!


7. acv elixir: apple cider vinegar, lemon, cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, salt

8. tea – no caffeine


9. meditate


10. exercise

11. breakfast & vitamins


12. review your schedule & set your intention for the day

The list can seem long, but eventually it will be, you know, routine, and you don’t have to think about it and of course you pick the order that works for you.  I believe the routine must include the major categories:

1. get up (obviously, but this is a great opportunity to set your intention and/or express gratitude for the rest of your day, a time when you are still in touch with your sub-conscious)

2. activate the body

3. hydrate

4. focus the mind

5. nourish the body

6. plan your day

As always, find what works best for you!

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