Prime Lessons

Life hacks and lessons learned during the Prime of my Life

tree, share, pieces of the puzzle

How to Organize all the Aspects of Your Life

Security:HomeFinances Foundation:*HealthSpirituality Enrichment:*RelationshipsHobbies Mission:*CareerPhilanthropy This is how we breakdown all of the major categories of life. How are you doing in each? Everyone has their own ideals and standards for these categories, these are some questions that have helped me in assessing my own life and setting my own goals for each: SECURITY: are you …

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living room, house, interior

The Ultimate List of Furniture for a Complete and Minimalist Home

SPOILER ALERT: it can absolutely still be Stylish & Cozy!   I’ve lived in many different circumstances: with my family, with partners, with one roomate, with many roomates, by myself. No matter what the configuration, I created some version of all of these rooms – even if they weren’t actual rooms! Many times, they were …

The Ultimate List of Furniture for a Complete and Minimalist Home Read More »

The Flow Framework

It helps to be able to zoom in and out.  Close up and Far away, Top down and Bottom Up. Use the flow framework see *everything* in your life, in context.  Of course, not everything is equal:  watering your plants is not as important or “big” as learning 3 languages…but seeing them next to each …

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A Man and a Cat

Questions to ask to find your purpose and the meaning of life: 1) If money was not an issue, and you would have everything you need guaranteed…how would you spend your time? 2) On your deathbed, what do you want to be able to look back at and say you did?