How to Organize all the Aspects of Your Life

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This is how we breakdown all of the major categories of life.

How are you doing in each? Everyone has their own ideals and standards for these categories, these are some questions that have helped me in assessing my own life and setting my own goals for each:

SECURITY: are you safe? what access/autonomy/power do you have to do the things that you need and want to do?

- do you have a stable and safe home?
- is your house clean? do you have a system for maintenance?
- are your things: complete, minimal and organized?

- how is your financial literacy?
- do you have a steady income?
- do you have a budget?
- do you have investments?

FOUNDATION: do you have the energy, health and resources to do the things you want and need to do?

FITNESS - cardio, strength, flexibility, balance
- do you exercise regularly
- what is your health literacy?
- do you have a nutrition plan?

MENTAL HEALTH - happiness, maturity, balance
- have you reconciled with your past?
- is there any trauma that you need to process?
- have you healed your inner-child?

- do you feel connected to your self?
- do you feel connected to your community?
- do you feel connected to humanity?
- do you feel connected to the earth?
- do you feel connected to something divine?

ENRICHMENT: enjoyment of life

Self - are you able to be alone with yourself? do you like yourself? do you practice self-care?

Family - do you have a healthy relationship with your family? do you feel you have proper boundaries with your family? are your expectations being met?

Friends - do you have at least 1 person you can turn to? do you have one person or a group that you do activities that you enjoy?

Romance - are you happy with your partner? are you happy with your dating life? what are your expectations? what is your commitment? what are your patterns?

- what do you do that you enjoy? how are you growing in that skill or activity? what are your goals with this activitiy?
- how often do you travel? how often do you have new experiences? what are your desires and expectations?

MISSION: your life's purpose
- how are you growing? what is your commitment? what are you goals? expectations?

- how are you contributing to the world, your community? how much time/resources do you want to dedicate to a cause you care about?

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